It’s the season again! BarCamp San Diego 3 is literally right around the corner – May 3rd and 4th. The last two Barcamps went off in a most excellent fashion and there will be yet more awesome to come. I love being part of such a sharp community – everyone is armed and ready with bountiful nuggets of information and everyone is very friendly and ready to show it. Barcamp is wonderful because it contains a little of everything – it’s not just for dorks. Last time I was frustrated because I missed a talk on neuro-linguistics. There was a “how to quit your job and go freelance” talk, I taught people how to pick locks and I threw a hacking contest.. the list goes on!Barcamp SD black shiny logo
We’re currently in the administrative phase of BCSD3, where we round up sponsors and calculate the budget. If you’d like to get involved we can certainly use the help! We’re looking for 3-5 more sponsors to help us make BCSD3 that much more excellent. If you’re part of a company, or know of one that has any interest in helping the emerging tech community in San Diego grow, drop me a note!

Some meta love: